Tarella Road Reserve, Chelsea 'No Dog Zone'
Consultation has concluded
Consultation has concluded
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Background information
In July 2021, 19 Tarella Road, Chelsea was officially rezoned from residential land to a public park and recreation zone and is now referred to as 'Tarella Road Reserve'.
The reserve contains 11 species of vegetation that have local significance within the City of Kingston (according to the City of Kingston's 2018 Biodiversity Strategy) and is therefore protected by the Environmental Significance Overlay – Schedule 5. Of the 11 plant species that have local significance, two are endangered, two are vulnerable, two are rare and five are poorly known.
In order to protect the significant vegetation at this site, all redevelopment works require Council to obtain a planning permit. A planning permit was recently granted for Council to remove the abandoned buildings, replace the boundary fence and create a bush path around the reserve (in consultation with an ecologist, to avoid impact to sensitive species).
In order to further protect the significant vegetation at this site, Council is proposing the reserve be made a 'no dog zone', to restrict dog access to the site.
It is worth noting that there is an off-leash dog park just 1.5km away from Tarella Road Reserve, at Bicentennial Park in Chelsea, one of more than 30 off-leash dog parks in the City of Kingston.
Just two of Council's reserves are currently classified as 'no dog zones', namely Peter Scullin Reserve in Mordialloc (due to the high usage of the reserve by families utilising the on-site barbeques and children’s play areas) and The Grange Heathland in Clayton South (to support vegetation conservation).
Have your say
Do you support Council's proposal to make Tarella Road Reserve a 'no dog zone'?
Please contribute your feedback via the short survey below.
If you’d like to make a further submission, you can do so by emailing info@kingston.vic.gov.au, mailing PO Box 1000, Mentone 3194 or phoning 1300 653 356.
Contributions closed Friday 24 June 2022